
BCG in Chennai


Our Chennai office allows us to meet the needs of clients in South India, serving primarily the private sector. BCG in Chennai teams have collaborated closely with clients in the auto, industrial goods, consumer and retail, infrastructure, and engineering, procurement, and construction industries—serving Indian companies as well as multinationals. The office is situated in a heritage five-star hotel.



Office Administrator

Consultant Recruiting


Explore Our Latest Thinking


Digital Payments in India: A US$10 Trillion Opportunity

BCG, in association with PhonePe, has released a report providing a detailed outlook on the factors accelerating the growth of digital payments in India. The report highlights critical imperatives and drivers leading to a US$10 trillion digital payments economy in the next 5 years.


Racing Towards the Next Wave of Retail in India

BCG, in association with RAI, has released its annual flagship report about the retail industry. The report highlights critical imperatives that retail industry in India needs to undertake in order to achieve $2 trillion valuation in next decade.


India Insurtech Landscape and Trends 2022

BCG in association with the India Insurtech Association (IIA) has released the second edition of the Insurtech report that identifies the current trends in the industry, based on perspectives gathered from multiple stakeholders including Insurers, Insurtechs, and key distribution players.


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Chennai Office Address

Hyatt Regency Chennai
Level-1, 365 Anna Salai, Teynampet
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600018

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BCG in India